Thursday, August 26, 2010

Elephants and Penguins

Renee loves Elephants!
Renee loves Penguins!

Mommy called us up with a headache..."Can you combine both elephants and penguins onto her cake?"

Not a problem at all! - a two-tiered cake with lil figurines of elephants and penguins (moulded from Renee's favourite soft toys) on two different climates - Jungle and Antartica!

And the birthday girl's mommy wasn't disappointed at all :)
...yea..mommy was more excited than her 2-year-old!

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Numero Uno

Say what you want.....


But the number 1 cake still remains as the popular choice of shape for most first-year-olds! It's not every year in your life you get to blow a Number 1 cake :)

Lil Lauren turned one recently and DADDY wanted to have a big Number 1 for the memorable occasion for his lovely precious princess! Yes! Daddy called us up to give his idea on what he wants for his lil girl's big day.....

Prices differ based on size and design.

- All information and photos on this site are the properties of Heavenly-On-Earth - None of the information and photos should be reused, recycled or reproduced without prior written permission from the administrators. For further details or enquiries, please feel free to email us at or call us directly at +6012 312 2126 or +6012 318 6338

Car lover!

Specially made for daddy, grandpa, godpa, boyfriends, husbands, sons, or even female car enthusiasts - this is truly custom-made JUST for the brand lovers!

The cake speaks it all! Simply elegant for a true BMW lover!

Comes in 2 standard sizes - 8 inches or 6 inches cake. Special request for other sizes can be discussed.

- All information and photos on this site are the properties of Heavenly-On-Earth - None of the information and photos should be reused, recycled or reproduced without prior written permission from the administrators. For further details or enquiries, please feel free to email us at or call us directly at +6012 312 2126 or +6012 318 6338

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Super Hero

Lil Derrick adores and idolises Ultraman. Hence, he had his wish of having an 'Ultraman-themed party in school' came true recently when mommy got him these lovely cupcakes to share with his fellow classmates...

He also had a memorable birthday during his cake-cutting session at home when mommy presented him with this...

- All information and photos on this site are the properties of Heavenly-On-Earth - None of the information and photos should be reused, recycled or reproduced without prior written permission from the administrators. For further details or enquiries, please feel free to email us at or call us directly at +6012 312 2126 or +6012 318 6338

Princess and fairy tales...

It is every lil girl's fantasy to be a princess (just like those seen and portrayed in fairy tales) for the day on their birthday, ....
And of course, being the princess to their mommies and daddies, many parents nowadays would try their best to make their lil princesses happy by organizing themed parties for their birthday...
Hence, many lil girls would opt for a princess theme or a fairy tale theme for their birthday parties....
What could be more complete and memorable other than having a cake and cupcakes designed, made and decorated according to the themed determined......

Lovely castle

Princesses on their castle...

Sugar-printed Disney princesses on lil cupcakes

*Lil Natalie had a memorable birthday and she was a happy girl that day! *

- All information and photos on this site are the properties of Heavenly-On-Earth - None of the information and photos should be reused, recycled or reproduced without prior written permission from the administrators. For further details or enquiries, please feel free to email us at or call us directly at +6012 312 2126 or +6012 318 6338